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Premium EFT Accreditation Training


For practitioners seeking the highest level of training, EBEFT Premium Accreditation is available to both licensed health professionals and laypeople. Accreditation is offered in two levels:

• Accredited Practitioner
• Accredited Advanced Practitioner

In addition to attendance at the specified workshops, accreditation has a number of other skill and experience building requirements, including extensive one to one private and group mentoring/supervision in Clinical EFT with experience practitioners.

The objectives of the Evidence Based EFT Premium Accreditation include:

• Providing high-quality training that aligns with the guidelines of the USA Cognitive Somatic Energy Practices National Standards working document.
• Establishing recognition symbols to indicate all training requirements for the level of accreditation have been met.
• Showcasing practitioners who have achieved Premium Accreditation on the EBEFT website practitioner listing.

EBEFT considers accreditation to be very important. Existing clinicians working with clients in a therapy context, or novice practitioners who are developing their EFT skills will find the process of accreditation will enhance their expertise, quality and competency in using EFT with a wide range of clients. Developing a high level of proficiency is vital for comprehensive client care, and the benefits of accreditation include:

• Maximises the teaching and learning experience of EFT training
• Ensures ethically sound and robust EFT clinical practice
• Enhances quality control in the EFT field
• Opportunity for practitioners to demonstrate competence in using EFT

What is Premium Accreditation?

Premium Accreditation refers to the entire training program offered by Evidence Based EFT, and is comprised of the two levels of Accredited Practitioner and Accredited Advanced Practitioner.

Is Accreditation required in order to practice EFT?

As EFT is not regulated, it is not required and, as a result, the world is increasingly full of inadequately trained EFT practitioners. Many existing licensed health professionals may want to seek EFT skills training only, however we – and those who have previously attended a workshop and then tried EFT with clients - have learned from experience that workshop attendance is not enough to ensure the safe and effective use of Clinical EFT. Not only do workshops not cover all the applications possible, bad habits can and will occur. For best practice, and quality service for clients, further mentoring through the accreditation pathway is strongly recommended.

EBEFT Premium Accreditation aims to be recognised as the best, most comprehensive and most rigorous Clinical EFT training in the world.

Are there additional benefits to pursuing Accreditation with EBEFT?

Because the practitioners that have successfully completed all the requirements for accreditation with us are trained to the highest level, we permit them to display the EBEFT Accreditation logo and title on their website and marketing materials as long as they remain current and up to date with EBEFT’s professional requirements, such as insurance and yearly professional development.

Another important benefit is that our accredited practitioners are invited to list themselves as a recommended practitioner on the Evidence Based EFT web site, among others who have met our standard. EBEFT receives hundreds of requests a month to recommend a practitioner, and this is where we send them!

As EBEFT is well regarded in the EFT world and Dr Peta Stapleton is the world’s leading researcher in the EFT field, aligning yourself with this training program will be associated as being reputable and evidence based.

The Premium Accreditation Pathways

For information about being trained as an EBEFT Accredited Practitioner visit 

For information about being trained as an EBEFT Accredited Advanced Practitioner visit 

* IMPORTANT: As a duty of care to the general public, EBEFT reserves the right to withhold accreditation status in the unlikely event that an individual’s mentors assess the trainee to have demonstrated behaviour that is either directly intolerant, judgemental, or abusive towards any client or that leads them to believe there is a risk of this happening.

Please review all terms and conditions here 


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All of our courses require participants to have a prior level of understanding around the delivery of EFT based techniques. 

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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is still considered experimental in nature although it is gaining in scientific support it is not yet widely accepted as a formally validated scientific technique.

All workshops and trainings are intended to promote awareness of the benefits of learning and applying Clinical EFT (the version tested in clinical research trials). However, the general public must take full responsibility for their use of it. This material is for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for traditional medical attention, counselling, therapy or advice from a qualified health care professional. Neither Clinical EFT nor the information here is intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder.

If you experience any unusual symptoms practicing the technique you should seek the advice of a health professional. Although the results of our research and others in the academic world indicated that many people benefiting from the use of Clinical EFT with their food cravings, weight loss, anxiety and depression, the responses to the technique are individual. A lack of result or progress may mean you need professional assistance.

If you have any concern regarding your health or mental state, it is recommend that you seek out advice or treatment from a qualified, licensed health care professional. Before making any dietary changes or discontinuing, reducing or increasing prescription medications it is recommended that you consult with a doctor, pharmacist or other qualified medical or health professional first.